About Us
Best Pre-settlement funding company that assist plaintiff with quick cash advances for personal injury lawsuit.
Those who has suffered personal injury because of someone else fault are eligible to receive appropriate compensation. We stand with plaintiff of personal injury cases like car accident, slip & fall, medical malpractices, product liability and many other kinds of lawsuit.
We help you with urgent cash that can be used to pay up the legal fees, medical bills and other rising expenses due to on-going litigation. Our lawsuit loans are easy to get and the amount depends completely on strength of your litigation.

Our Approch
As the client apply with us online, we start the process of reviewing. Our team connects with the plaintiff to know about their requirements and expectations from the settlement.
Next we connect with the client attorney for necessary documents which are needed to review the case and present the lump sum which we can offer against your litigation.
After thorough review of the case, we approve the loan and offer money to plaintiff. Amount we mention is based on case strength. Stronger your case is higher the funds will be.
Since we only offer non-recourse form of loan, plaintiff can rest assured that they can pay the amount back after winning the case, and no repayment if the litigation is lost.

Why Loan Query?

Our Philosophy
We are here to help people in receiving correct settlement without getting tempted for settle early due to financial crisis caused by heavy legal fees and increasing medical bills.

Our Focus
We serve plaintiff by providing lawsuit loans for several cases like personal injury, car accident, FELA, wrongful termination, racial discrimination, medical malpractices and more.

Risk Free

Trusted by 1000s of Happy Clients

Loan query has been around in the litigation funding industry for more than a decade, helping many plaintiff whenever they need money for their ongoing lawsuit.
The term Loan(s) when used to describe, Pre-Settlement Funding and Lawsuit Funding by this website, or any of its agents/ representatives/ ownership/ directories/ investors and so forth is not an accurate legal or financial definition of the transaction. It is NOT A LOAN. The transaction is a non -recourse purchase of a portion of the proceeds of a potential future case award or settlement. Please note that Pre-Settlement litigation financing advances are not traditional loans. Pre-Settlement Funding advances fall in the category of funding known as “Non- Recourse Funding .” Repayment of Pre- Settlement litigation financing advances is contingent on winning or settling the lawsuit.